Sunday, March 25, 2007

Weightless Sabrina

I made Sabrina float the other day by rubbing her with a balloon. She floated up to the ceiling as you can see in the photo.

Death in the family

It is with great sadness that I have to report WEBER died last week.Aged 16 years. As I was getting ready to BBQ and brought him out of his dry home, the right wheel fell off and pushed a hole thru his base. Result, end of BBQ'D pork chops and sweet potatoes for dinner that night. He has been replaced with a newer model and we are BBQing again.

The New Pergola or Ramada

It's been a while since I've posted anything. But the wait is over now. I have started to rebuild the old falling down pergola (Ramada). We had a quote for about $1500.00 from a carpenter, so I thought I could do it myself for a lot less. So far the cost has been $81.00 and all thats left to do is put the laserlight top on about a cost of about $150.00. Boy I am clever!!